Splash Design entwickelt, importiert und vertreibt persönliche Schutzausrüstung für Motorradfahrer.
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Oder finden Sie einen Laden in der NäheThe disc lock was designed with widened access to the disc which enables a much easier fitment. It can also be used with a chain as a padlock.
The lock has a key replacement service so that if you are unfortunate enough to lose all your keys a new one can be made up. Just remember to take note of your key number and keep this in a safe place.
Can be used as a padlock or disc lock
11mm hardened Ni-Cr-Mo shackle
Double locking mechanism with 2 hardened steel bolts
Sliding key dust cover
Three keys and replacement key service
Available in either black or yellow
Tested and approved across Europe:
Sold Secure Powered Cycle (Motorcycle) Gold
Thatcham Vehicle Security
Oxford Products
Oxford Products
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