Splash Design tworzy, importuje i dystrybuuje środki ochrony indywidualnej dla motocyklistów.

Jedna kurtka na wszystkie miejsca i warunki pogodowe, nawet te pełne przygód. Ta kurtka wyewoluowała z modelu Fusor. Kliknij tutajpo więcej informacji.

We are a wholesaler, runned by motorcycle enthusiasts. Since 1991 we have been importing and distributing personal protective equipment for motorcyclists such as motorcycle clothing, helmets and accessories. We do not only do this in the Benelux: we now have various branches in both Eastern and Southern Europe.
As a motorcyclist you probably know our brands: HJC, Schuberth, Airoh, Cardo, Oakley, Forma and MACNA. MACNA is our own developed personal protective equipment brand for motorcyclists, which is exported worldwide.
From gloves to motorcycle covers, with an assortment of almost 14,000 products, we have everything in-house!